Terms & conditions

BNL Italy Major Premier Padel
Roma, Foro Italico

General conditions for the sale of tickets and the use of tickets and passes
as well as for accessing and staying at the Foro Italico Park in Rome


§ 1. In the interpretation and application of these General Conditions, the following expressions shall have the meaning indicated for each:
- Ticket: the admission ticket, which may also be issued electronically, that allows its holder to access the Venue and the Courts indicated thereon, as well as to attend any Matches on the date and at the session indicated on the title in question;
- Courts: the padel courts located inside the Venue where the Matches take place;
- Authorized Sales Channels: jointly, the Website and the physical and online* points of sale (https://www.ticketone.it) of TicketOne S.p.A.;
- Consumer Code: the Legislative Decree 206 of 6 September 2005, as amended from time to time;
- General Conditions: these “General conditions for the sale of tickets and the use of tickets and passes as well as for accessing and staying at the Foro Italico Park in Rome”;
- Event: jointly, the qualifications and the Event; - FIP: the International Padel Federation, the body that governs padel worldwide and is the owner of the Event;
- Venue: the area of Parco del Foro Italico in Rome, where the Event takes place and which the User may access only if in possession of a Ticket or Pass;
- Match: each padel match that takes place during the Event;
- Privacy Policy: the privacy policy statement provided by the Organizer pursuant to Article 13 of EU Regulation No. 679/2016 and published on the Website, which is understood as fully incorporated herein by reference;
- Sports Event: the padel sports event called “BNL Italy Major Premier Padel”, which includes 2 (two) tournaments respectively reserved to male and female players and the Qualifications;
- Organizer: the Federazione Italiana Tennis e Padel, delegated by Premier Padel LLC for the organization of the Event;
- Pass: the personal accreditation issued by the Organizer and allowing its holder to access the Venue on the date and within the limits of the areas specifically indicated on the Pass in question;
- Premier Padel LLC: the private company under Qatar law which acquired from FIP the rights for the* development, promotion and management of the Event;
- Qualifications: the matches through which the Organizer identifies the athletes admitted to the Sports Event;
- Website: the website of the Event, intended for the purchase of the Tickets and available at https://tickets.bnlitalymajorpremierpadel.com/;
- Access Title: the title of entry to the Venue (Ticket or Pass);
- User: any individual in legitimate possession of the Access Title.

Access Titles: method of sale, use and cancellation

§ 2. These General Conditions, which are displayed at the entrance of the Venue and published on the Website, regulate the sale of the Tickets and the use of the Access Titles as well as the Users’ access and permanence at the Venue during the Event. They supplement the general conditions applied by the parties, other than the Organizer, authorized to sell the Tickets.
The posting online of the General Conditions and the confirmation of the purchase order provided by the Organizer (or by a third party appointed by it) to the individual purchaser shall be valid as “confirmation of the contract entered into using a durable medium” pursuant to Article 51, paragraph 7 of the Consumer Code.
By accessing the Venue with a suitable Access Title, the user confirms that he/she has read, known, understood and accepted the provisions contained in the General Conditions and in the Privacy Policy, undertaking to comply with them and, also pursuant to Article 1381 of the Civil Code, to make them known to and accepted by those who legitimately take over the Access Title. The same obligation is assumed by a person who, at the time of purchasing the Ticket, indicates a person other than him/herself as a User.
The User acknowledges that, pursuant to Article 59(n) of the Consumer Code, having the contract for the purchase of Tickets for services relating to leisure activities on a specific date or period of execution, the right of withdrawal provided for by Article 52 of the Consumer Code does not apply.

§ 3. In order to be admitted and remain inside the Venue, the User shall be in possession of Access Titles. Without prejudice to Articles 1, 4, 5 and 6, each Access Title is only valid for the date, session and seat indicated thereon. The replacement of any unused ticket with another Ticket.

§ 4. In view of the possibility that, during the Event, the public access to the Venue shall be limited for reasons beyond the control of the Organizer (including to comply with any instructions from the Public Authorities, international sports authorities or sports Authorities ranking hierarchically higher than the Organizer), a reduction in the Venue’s maximum seating capacity is ordered, the Organizer reserves the right to cancel Tickets purchased through the Authorized Sales Channels that exceed the permitted capacity, with a consequent full reimbursement of the relevant price (net of any pre-sale costs), by crediting the current account from which the payment was made or by other methods that will be promptly notified. Tickets purchased through the Authorized Sales Channels and exceeding the permitted capacity shall be cancelled for each sector in which each of the Courts are divided, according to the chronological order of purchase (beginning with the last one).
An assessment of the permitted capacity will be made and the consequent decision on cancellation of the Tickets will be taken by the Organizer on the tenth day before the start of the Event, regardless of the number of Tickets sold up to that time.
If, after that date and until the conclusion of the Event, the public’s access to the Venue is further reduced, the Organizer will make further cancellations according to the above criteria.
If, following the cancellation of Tickets purchased through the Authorized Sales Channels and exceeding the permitted capacity and until the conclusion of the Event, public access to the Venue is permitted to a greater extent than at the time of cancellation, the Organizer will assign to the Users holding cancelled Tickets, identified according to the order in which the cancellation was carried out, for a period of 24 hours (or, if the Event is already in progress, of 12 hours) by way of the relevant communication by e-mail or text message to the addresses provided during registration, the right to make such Tickets effective again, with the consequent waiver of any reimbursement.
Also in view of the general awareness of the real risk that the maximum capacity of the Venue may be limited, the Organizer assumes no liability, under any circumstances, with regard to claims for compensation made by anyone, past the price reimbursement of the Ticket according to the terms and conditions described above.

§ 5. When necessary for technical or organizational reasons (including to comply with any instructions from the Public Authorities, international sports authorities or sports Authorities ranking hierarchically higher than the Organizer), the Organizer shall reserve the right to assign to the Users in possession of a Ticket – for the date and Court indicated thereon – seats or rows of seats other than the ones indicated on the Ticket in question. Where the assignment of a seat of equal or higher category compared to the one of the seats indicated on the purchased Ticket cannot be guaranteed, the Organizer shall refund the User only for the difference between the price of the purchased Ticket and the price of the Ticket assigned by replacement. Alternatively, the User may choose not to use the Ticket assigned as a replacement, if it is of a lower category than the one indicated on the Ticket purchased, and receive a refund (net of any pre-sale costs).

§ 6. When necessary for technical, organizational or meteorological reasons, the Organizer shall reserve the right to change the dates, times and Courts where the Matches will be held.
In the cases provided for in this Article § 6, the User shall be only entitled to the reimbursement of the price of the Ticket according to the terms described below.
The price of the Ticket (net of any pre-sale costs) will be refunded by the Organizer only if none Matches originally scheduled on the day, at the Court and in the session indicated on the Ticket, takes place. In the event that one or more Matches – scheduled in the session and on the Court for which the Ticket was purchased, are held – for any technical, organizational or meteorological reasons – at hours or Courts other than the ones originally scheduled, under no circumstances the User shall be entitled to be refunded for the cost of the Ticket (or to its replacement).

§ 7. The User, whose Ticket has been stolen, lost, destroyed, deteriorated or damaged so as to render it, even partially, illegible, shall not be entitled to claim any refund or replacement thereof, not even after having reported such loss or theft to the competent public authorities.
For the Tickets purchased and not collected by the Users who, at the time of purchase, had chosen to collect them at the Venue, the refund does not apply.

§ 8. The Access Title shall be displayed every time they are requested by the personnel responsible for the inspection. The User without Access Title, or with a deteriorated or damaged Access Title, which is even partially illegible, shall be accompanied outside the Venue.

9. Tickets must be purchased, against the payment of the price indicated thereon, only by means of the authorized sales channels. If the Ticket has been purchased at discounted prices, such as the discount provided to people with disabilities or the discount for the members of the Italian Tennis and Padel Federation, the User, when accessing the Venue, must be in possession of a valid document showing its legitimate entitlement to the discount indicated on the Ticket (in such specific cases, the disability certificate for disabled Users and the federal card for the members of the Italian Tennis and Padel Federation, respectively) as well as of a valid identity document.
If the User has a Ticket purchased from a party not authorized to sell it, or is not entitled to the discount indicated thereon, the control staff may prevent the User from accessing or staying at the Venue.

Rules for accessing and staying at the Venue and User conduct

§ 10. Each Ticket gives the right to access the Venue, only once; consequently, in the absence of a prior written consent from the Organizer, the User that left the Venue shall not be permitted to enter the Venue again, by exhibiting the same Ticket.

§ 11. The Organizer is the exclusive holder of the rights to images of the Event. The taking of pictures and the recording of videos or audios of the Matches or of the other events that will take place during the Event inside the Venue (such as interviews, cultural events, advertising, etc.) are permitted by the Organizer only if done for personal purposes. Unless previously authorized in writing by the Organizer, the User shall not use pictures or video and audio recordings of the Event for commercial or advertising purposes, nor shall the User be permitted to disseminate said pictures or recordings on broadcasting platforms (for instance, social networks or video-sharing websites such as, without limitation, <www.youtube.com>) that do not allow limiting the dissemination exclusively within a personal context. The use of laptops or other mobile electronic devices is forbidden inside the stands of the Courts during the Matches; an exception is made, however, for the authorized media, and the individuals authorized to the sale of goods and services to the Users, and the Event staff.

§ 12. “CCTV” cameras can be installed inside the Venue for security reasons. The Organizer and the parties appointed thereby may also record videos and take pictures of the Event. The User accepts to be taken pictures of, to be recorded and filmed during the Event by the Organizer or by the parties appointed thereby, and to have its own picture and voice, even altered electronically, inside audio-video recordings (all of which referred to as “Recordings”) intended for broadcasting, also TV broadcasting, or for other kind of publications on the Organizer’s social channels. The User expressly authorizes the Organizer to publish, disseminate and commercially exploit, by any means and without time limits, its own voice and picture possibly enclosed with the Recordings, by declaring, as of now, to have no claims to put forward relying on the authorization above and to irrevocably waive the right to any economic claim deriving from the dissemination and advertising of its picture and voice. § 13. It is forbidden for the User to bet or accept bets, directly or by means of intermediaries, or to facilitate bets of other parties by actions operational to their completion, inside the Venue.
It is also forbidden for the User to collect, disseminate, broadcast or publish, by any means, scores and statistical data related to the Matches (to commence on their start and to end on their completion) for commercial or gambling purposes.
Failure to comply with even one of the obligations contained herein may result in the withdrawal of the Access Title and the User’s expulsion from the Venue. If the Access Title is withdrawn for the above reasons, Users will not be entitled to any refund or compensation.

§ 14. For security reasons and in application of the Decree Law No. 28/2003 (concerning “Urgent measures to fight violence at sports competitions”), converted into law with amendments by Law No. 88/2003, as subsequently amended and supplemented, it is forbidden to introduce inside the Venue the following objects: (i) any kind of weapons, scissors, stones, knives, sound devices, light rays emission systems (laser pointers), projectiles, cool boxes, long handled umbrellas or other bulky goods; (ii) balls, cans, glass objects - such as bottles, glasses, mugs - and any other breakable objects suitable for causing damage to its own person or to others; (iii) highly flammable substances and fireworks materials, such as fireworks, rockets, powders, aerosol dispensers and other tools intended to emit smoke or visible gas; (iv) spray cans, corrosive, soiled substances or substances that may, in any way, affect the health of other people present at the Venue; (v) alcoholic drinks, drugs, poisons or stimulant substances; (vi) advertising objects, unless previously authorized so in writing by the Organizer; (vii) propaganda materials with racist, xenophobia, Nazi, gender-based or political slogans; (viii) flagpoles or banners; however, it is accepted to hold flexible poles in synthetic material and “two poles flags”, whose size shall not exceed one meter length and the poles’ diameter shall not exceed a centimeter; (ix) stools or folding chairs.
It is also forbidden to introduce animals inside the Venue, with the exception of guide dogs for blind people.
The introduction inside the Venue of helmets and short-handled umbrellas, suitcases, bags and back packs that exceed the size of 25 cm x 25 cm x 25 cm is allowed only for depositing the same in the area made available by the Organizer.
Failure to comply with even one of the obligations contained herein may result in the withdrawal of the Access Title and the User’s expulsion from the Venue; in this case, such User will not be entitled to any refund or compensation.

§ 15. Unless previously authorized in writing by the Organizer, the User shall not introduce inside the Venue: (i) drones, professional cameras or video-cameras, and any other equipment suitable for recording or taking quality pictures so as to allow their exploitation for commercial and advertising purposes; (ii) technological equipment that allows the dissemination of the results and of the statistical data of the Matches, in real time, as well as the live or deferred broadcasting, by whatever means, of pictures or sounds of the Matches or other events taking place inside the Venue (such as, interviews, cultural events, advertising events, etc.); (iii) gadgets or advertising materials.
Failure to comply with even one of the obligations contained herein may result in the withdrawal of the Access Title and the User’s expulsion from the Venue; in this case, such User will not be entitled to any refund or compensation.

§ 16. Within the Venue, User must strictly comply with the applicable laws on hygiene and health safety, taking all actions and measures prescribed for this purpose by the laws in force and/or by specific medical protocols adopted during the Event.
In particular, User access to the Venue is subject to compliance with the specific health regulations concerning the conduct of sporting events; in order to assess compliance with these provisions, the User may be subjected to checks and controls.
Failure to comply with even one of the obligations contained herein may result in the withdrawal of the Access Title and the User’s expulsion from the Venue; in this case, such User will not be entitled to any refund or compensation.

§ 17. The User shall behave correctly and in compliance with the public order and morality rules inside the Venue. By way of example, the User shall not: (i) climb any wall, fence, gate or other similar facility located within the Venue; (ii) listen to radios inside the Venue without the use of headphones; (iii) use mobile phones, computers and other electronic devices in a manner other than that so-called "silent" or "do not disturb" or "aircraft" modes when entering stands of the Courts (it being understood that their continuous use is permitted exclusively for authorized journalists and to the work staff of the Event for carrying out their duties). Failure to comply with even one of the requirements enclosed herewith may result in the withdrawal of the Ticket or of the Pass and the removal from the Venue; in such a case, the User will not be entitled to any refund nor indemnity.
In any case, the Organizer reserves its right to deny the access or to remove from the Venue the people that behave incorrectly or dangerously to themselves or to others.

§ 18. In addition to complying with these General Conditions, the User, inside the Venue, shall strictly adhere to the instructions given by the police bodies, the checking staff and the technical staff of the Venue. Users be subjected to checks (of their person and/or bags, wrappers or other items carried on their person) to avoid the introduction of unlawful, prohibited and/or dangerous materials inside the Venue.
Failure to comply with said requirement may result in the withdrawal of the Ticket or of the Pass and in its removal from the Venue; in this case, such User will not be entitled to any refund or compensation. In any case, the User assumes the exclusive liability for the consequences of events attributable to the same, that take place inside the Venue and that are damaging the Organizer or third parties, and it expressly indemnifies and holds the Organizer harmless from any liability or any claim made by third parties. By way of example, the User commits itself to hold the Organizer harmless against all damages deriving from: (i) the User’s non-compliance with the obligations provided by these General Conditions; (ii) the infringement of rights and interests of third parties for which the User is liable when accessing and while staying at the Venue; (iii) the User’s infringement, upon accessing and while staying at the Venue, of laws, regulations or measures issued by the Public Authorities.


§ 19. Without prejudice to the foregoing paragraphs 4, 5 and 6 concerning the refund of the Ticket price, and except for intent or gross negligence, the Organizer shall not be deemed liable, for whatever reason, for the expenses and damages, direct or indirect, of whatever kind, suffered by the User in relation to the sale of Tickets, the changes of the Courts and/or date and play time of the Matches, their not-taking place or the replacement of seats or rows of seats.

§ 20. Any personal data (such as the name, surname, date of birth, e-mail address, tax code, country of residence) provided by the User upon purchasing the Ticket shall be true, accurate, valid and complete and will be processed by the Organizer only and exclusively by the modalities and for the purposes indicated by the Privacy Policy.

§ 21. In application of Decree Law No. 28/2003 (concerning “Urgent measures to fight violence during sports competitions”), converted with amendments into Law No. 88/2003, as subsequently amended and supplemented, the unauthorized sale of Tickets is forbidden. In particular, pursuant to Article 1-sexies of the aforesaid Decree Law No. 28/2003, “whoever, not belonging to the companies specifically assigned therefor, sells admission tickets for the places where the sports event takes place or intended for the stay, transit or transport of the people who participate or attend the same event, shall be punished by a pecuniary administrative fine ranging from 2,500 to 10,000 Euros. The sanction may be increased up to half of the maximum fine for the offender that transfers or sales the admission tickets at a raised price compared to the price practiced by the companies specifically assigned to market such tickets”. The offender may be subject to the restrictions and prescriptions under Article 6, para. 1, 1-bis and 2 of Law No. 401/1989 as subsequently amended and supplemented. § 22. The User acknowledges that the Organizer conferred to third parties the right to promote and market services and products inside the Venue during the Event. The Organizer shall not be deemed liable against the User for any damages due the use of said products and services.

§ 23. The Organizer reserves the right to amend these General Conditions, taking care to notify such amendments by means of a specific notice published on the Website. If the User qualifies as a consumer, he/she will have a period of 30 (thirty) days, starting from such notice, to exercise his/her right of withdrawal free of charge by notice to be addressed to the Organizer, by certified electronic mail to the address legale@pec.federtennis.it or by email to the address legale@federtennis.it.
After 30 (thirty) days have elapsed from the notification of the amendment of these General Conditions, the User’s failure to withdraw is deemed to constitute acceptance of the new general conditions.
Changes resulting from legislative acts or orders issued by the Public Authority will be effective regardless of the publication of the notice on the Website.

§ 24. These General Conditions are subject to the application of Italian law. Any dispute arising between the User and the Organizer, concerning the purchase of the Tickets and the use of the Access Title, as well as the entrance and stay of the User inside the Venue, shall be exclusively settled by the Court of Rome, or by the Court of residence of the User, if the latter acts as a consumer pursuant to the Consumer Code, to the express exclusion of the other Courts possibly holding jurisdiction over such matters.

General conditions for the sale of Gift Card

§ 1. For the purposes of the interpretation and application of these General conditions, the expressions below shall have the following meaning:
- BNL Italy Major Premier Padel: the padel event in which two tournaments are held, respectively reserved for male and female players;
- Consumer Code: the Legislative Decree 206 of 6 September 2005, as amended from time to time;
- Davis Cup Finals: a group stage of the tennis event currently called “Davis Cup”, reserved for the national men’s teams;
- Events: collectively, the Internazionali BNL d’Italia, the Nitto ATP Finals, the Davis Cup Finals and the BNL Italy Major Premier Padel;
- Final User: one or more individuals, even different from the Purchaser, who used the Gift Card on one of the Websites in order to purchase Tickets or Season Tickets;
- General conditions: these General conditions for the sale of the Gift Card, to which all Purchasers are subject;
- Gift Card: a voucher of predetermined value (as indicated on one of the Website), each one having a specific code. The Gift Card can be purchased on one of the Website and subsequently used by the User to purchase Tickets and Season Tickets for one or more Events on the same Websites within the expiry date indicated on Gift Card;
- Internazionali BNL d’Italia: the tennis event in which two tournaments are held, respectively reserved for male and female players, organized in a main draw (“Main draw”), in a qualifying draw for the Main draw (“Qualifying draw”) and in a draw for the final stages of pre-qualification for the Qualifying draw;
- Match: each match that will be played as part of the Events;
- Nitto ATP Finals: the tennis event reserved to the best players managed by the ATP Tour, Inc;
- Organizer: the Federazione Italiana Tennis e Padel, which organizes the Events;
- Privacy Policy: the privacy policy provided by the Organizer pursuant to Article 13 of Regulation EU No. 679/2016 and published on each of the Websites, which is deemed to be referred to in full herein;
- Purchaser: who purchased the Gift Card on one of the Website with payment by credit card;
- Season Ticket: the carnet of Tickets, which may also be issued electronically, that allows its holder to access the Venue and to attend Training (where applicable) and Matches to be held as part of the Events on the date and sessions indicated thereon;
- Ticket: the admission ticket, which may also be issued electronically, that allows its holder to access the areas where the Events takes place indicated thereon, as well as to attend any Training Session (where applicable) and Matches on the date and at the session indicated on the relevant Ticket;
- Training Session: the sport training sessions performed by the athletes participating;
- Website BNLIMPP: the website dedicated to the purchase of Tickets and Season Tickets for the BNL Italy Major Premier Padel, available at https://tickets.bnlitalymajorpremierpadel.com, where you can also purchase the Gift Card;
- Website DCF: the website dedicated to the purchase of Tickets for the Davis Cup Finals, available at https://tickets.italy.daviscup.com, where you can also purchase the Gift Card;
- Website IBI: the website dedicated to the purchase of Tickets and Season Tickets for the Internazionali BNL d’Italia, available at https://ticketing.internazionalibnlditalia.com, where you can also purchase the Gift Card;
- Website NATPF: the website dedicated to the purchase of Tickets and Season Tickets for the Nitto ATP Finals, available at https://tickets.nittoatpfinals.com, where you can also purchase the Gift Card;
- Websites: collectively, the Website BNLIMPP, the Website DCF, the Website IBI and the Website NATPF.

§ 2. These General conditions regulate the sale and use of the Gift Card. The online publication of the General conditions and the confirmation of the purchase order provided by the Organizer to the Purchaser shall be considered as “confirmation of the contract concluded by means of a durable medium” within the meaning of Article 51(7) of the Consumer Code.

§ 3. By purchasing the Gift Card, the Purchaser confirms that he/she has read, known, understood and accepted the provisions of these General conditions and of the Privacy Policy, undertaking to comply with them and, also pursuant to Article 1381 of the Civil Code, to make them known to and accepted by the legitimate Final User, if different from the Purchaser.

§ 4. After completing the purchase, the Purchaser will receive an email to the address, provided in the registration process on one of the Websites, containing the Gift Card’s code. The Purchaser shall be responsible for keeping the code.

§ 5. The Purchaser may become the Final User or may give the Gift Card to others.

§ 6. Who wishes to purchase Tickets or Season Tickets through the Gift Card shall complete the Gift Card’s activation process on one of the Websites and, when paying for the relevant purchase order, shall insert the Gift Card’s code received by the Purchaser at his email address. Who uses the Gift Card becomes a Final User.

§ 7. The Gift Card allows to purchase Tickets and Season Tickets exclusively on one of the Websites and only within the Gift Card’s expiry date. By purchasing Tickets or Season Tickets, the Final User accepts the “General conditions for the sale of tickets” published on one of the Websites, which shall apply – to the extent not otherwise provided for in these General conditions – to the use of Tickets or Season Tickets purchased through a Gift Card.

§ 8. It is not possible to use a Gift Card in order to purchase another Gift Card.

§ 9. If the value of the Gift Card is equal to the amount of the purchase order for Tickets or Season Tickets, the entire value of the Gift Card will be zeroed.

§ 10. If the value of the Gift Card is lower than the amount of the purchase order for Tickets or Season Tickets, the entire value of the Gift Card will be zeroed and the difference can be paid by the Final User exclusively by credit card or by using another Gift Card.

§ 11. If the value of the Gift Card is greater than the amount of the purchase order for Tickets, the value of the Gift Card will be decreased by an amount equal to the amount of the relevant purchase order. In this case, a voucher in the amount equal to the remaining value of the Gift Card will be generated and sent to the email address provided by the Final User in the registration process on one of the Websites, along with the relevant Tickets purchased. This voucher can also be used by different users exclusively in order to purchase other Tickets or other Season Tickets.

§ 12. If the value of the Gift Card is greater than the amount of the purchase order for Season Tickets, the value of the Gift Card will be zeroed. In this case, a voucher in the amount equal to the remaining value of the Gift Card will not be generated.

§ 13. Any personal data (such as name, surname, date of birth, email address, tax ID code, Country of residence) provided by the Purchaser upon purchasing the Gift card and by the Final User at the time of use of the Gift Card shall be true, accurate, valid and complete and will be processed by the Organizer only and exclusively by the modalities and for the purposes indicated in the Privacy Policy.

§ 14. The Organizer reserves the right to amend these General conditions, taking care to notify such amendments by means of a specific notice published on the Websites. If the Purchaser qualifies as a consumer, he/she will have a period of thirty days, starting from such notice, to exercise his/her right of withdrawal free of charge by notice to be addressed to the Organizer by certified electronic mail to the address legale@pec.federtennis.it or by email to the address legale@fitp.it. After thirty days have elapsed from the notification of the amendment of these General conditions, the Purchaser’s failure to withdraw will be intended as acceptance of the new general conditions. The amendments shall be effective to commence on said publication, or on a different date specified in the same notice. Changes resulting from legislative acts or orders issued by the Public Authority shall be effective regardless of the publication of the notice on the Website.

§ 15. These General conditions are subject to the application of Italian law. Any dispute arising between the Purchaser and/or the Final User, on the one side, and the Organizer, on the other side, concerning the purchase of the Gift Card shall be exclusively settled by the Court of Rome, or by the Court of residence of the Purchaser and/or of the Final User, if the latter acts as a consumer pursuant to the Consumer Code, to the express exclusion of the other Courts possibly holding jurisdiction over such matters.